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Craft is your signature.

Craft is kind of hard to explain, but I will give it a shot. In my opinion, craft is the ability to use design effectively to create in a specific art style that is unique to you. Blacksmith, barber, graphic designer, painter, martial artist.  It's kind of like your signature in the arts. I'll even go as far as saying is your signature in life. Finding one's craft takes time and it goes through a lot of revision. I don’t believe that there is anyone that has their craft perfected. No matter what anyone says there is no “perfecting” one's craft, there are only improvements and little tweaks you make over the years until you can practically do your work blindfolded. We as humans were made by some force greater than us and we are fundamentally flawed.

This video shows a bit of my process working on an assignment. One of my fellow designers recorded me. Check out Hatzin Escalante. She's an amazing artist and does some amazing silversmithing.  

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