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Knowledge and creativity got us here.

Creativity breeds knowledge, and knowledge breeds creativity. It seems like when I was younger and knew less; I feel I  was more creative. Like I was less bound by “rules” of how things were “supposed” to look or how they worked. However, growing up and learning rules of how things were to be, I did begin to understand creativity a bit more in a different way. Creativity and knowledge of creativity mean knowing the rules of art and being able to break them purposely to achieve your artistic goal or statement. There is a saying, “Knowledge is power,” and it really is, but knowledge is also freedom as well as creativity. Having both knowledge and creativity, the limits of what’s possible seem to fade. Creativity and knowledge need each other. If it were not for the knowledge, our art would still be static; Greek sculptures would not look alive, and we would not envy their physique; Movies would not have motion, emotion, or sounds that move people. Creativity and knowledge are linked.

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