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Freshman Seminar Sketchbook

Week 1


Our assignment was to draw at least six real things from direct observation. Three man-made/mechanical, and the other three should be organic/natural objects. I chose a tree, a bamboo plant, a plastic clip, a wrench, a mechanical pencil, and a rock.

Week 2


Our next assignment was to animate three man-made/mechanical, and three organic/natural objects. I chose The wrench again, a pencil, an egg, a watch, and a leaf. 

Week 3


The assignment was to focus on one object drawn from six different perspectives.  It was to be something mechanical. It had to be something that you can take apart and see the inner workings. We were to focus was on details,  make it look as realistic as we could. I chose to draw the inner part of the doorknob, the latch that's hidden by the door and knobs.

Week 4


This assignment for this week was to draw one organic object from direct observation. Different from all of the other objects we have  drawn. The goal here was to make it look real. Honestly, I'm not the best at making things look real. So my choice was to draw a random stick with a leaf. Also, I probably didn't feel like drawing this. 



Week 5


This week's goal was to draw at least six real things from direct observation that you pass by each day on your way from home to class. They should be things that you normally don’t notice yet you pass by them each day without seeing them. The goal is to accurately capture a likeness of each object. I chose to sketch a lantern thing that's in my graphic design classroom, a pedestal with what looks like an upside-down cup on it, a painted carhood on the wall, a fire alarm bell, an old iMac, and a thing(that's the only way I can describe it).




Week 6


The assignment for this week we had to face the bane of every artist. Our worst enemy throughout history. Hands. We had to draw hands in different positions, from direct observation. The goal was to accurately capture the “life” of each hand." This was great practice. Hands were always a hit or miss with me. Surprisingly I did have a bit of fun with this one. 


Week 7


Eyes. The windows to the soul. Week seven's assignment was to draw at least six eyes in different positions, from direct observation. The goal is to accurately capture the “life” of each eye. I started off good, then I just had to do it my way a bit.


Week 8


You can pick your friends. You can pick your nose. But you can't pick your friend's nose. We were told to draw at least six noses in different positions, from direct observation. The goal was to capture the “life” of each nose. My ability to draw noses are not great, so I struggled with this one.

Week 9


Last assignment... sorta. The assignment, draw at least six heads/faces in different positions, from direct observation. Once again we are to "accurately capture the 'life' of each head/face." The funny thing is that not too long ago before I started taking this class, I practiced drawing faces a lot. I'm pretty good at large scale with a reference and maybe a grid. So I challenged my self to go smaller. I was pleasantly surprised out how well I did. I also got a bit frustrated drawing people so I drew a koi fish and my cat. He does not make for a good model when he's awake. 


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