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Size: 26" x 38" Medium: Digital Art (Adobe Illustrator) This is my interpretation of dialogue, or multiple conversations happening at once. This was a difficult project for me because at first I thought it was just about chaos but if you look closer you'll see that it's structured chaos. This assignment was meant to challenge my ability to typographically communicate in a more experimental manner. I used two songs, a script, and a pie recipe.

Time Evolution Knowledge

Time Evolution Knowledge

Size: 19.17" x 8.74" Medium: Digital Art (Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop) This is a combination of using both Photoshop and Illustrator. The design pattern on the book was made in real life using wooden letters then digitized.



Size: 8" x 8" Medium: Digital art (Adobe In design) For this assignment I had to arrange text on a grid, creating three different designs. All three use the same underlying grid. And all three use Helvetica typeface. Also, all but one uses 8-pt type through out the design. A very simple design, so to make it a bit more interesting I chose this one to make the one font size change. II changed the title from 8-pt to 14-pt.



Size: 8" x 8" Medium: Digital art (Adobe In design) We had the options of making our backgrounds black, and as I started setting up the text I noticed how it looked like cars in parking spaces.

Wind Monkey

Wind Monkey

Size: 8" x 8" Medium: Digital art (Adobe In design) This one is my favorite, because it looks like a few things when it's tilted like this. I Mostly see monkey wrench and a wind turbine.



Size: 11" x 17" Medium: Digital Art (Adobe InDesign) I created this poster for a lecture series about contemporary design. The poster is completely typographic. I had to make it easy to read, convey excitement, and make it attractive. I went through quite a few color schemes before settling on this one. What I like most about this is the neon light design it has.



Size: 7" x 7" Medium: Digital art (Adobe InDesign) The typeface I used for this is called Myriad Pro. The task was to visually express the meaning of a word. I could vary the size, spacing, placement, and orientation of the letters. I could also modify the letters. Use one of the recommended typefaces.

Slashed to Death

Slashed to Death

Size: 7" x 7" Medium: Digital art (Adobe InDesign) The typeface I used for this is called Lemon Milk. The task was to visually express the meaning of a word.

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