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Personal Bio

I've monologued to myself many times about who I am, but now, actually writing it down, I'm not sure where to start. I'm a simple person, making his way through life, one day at a time. Overthinking everything every step of
the way.
My name is Gavin Henderson. I was born on April 7, 1995, in Jackson, Mississippi, to an amazing mother. I am the oldest of 3 children and would be the second oldest of 4 if my oldest sister survived. From the moment I was born, the odds were stacked against me. I was born prematurely, and the doctors did not think I would make it. I was such a tiny baby, able to fit in the palm of your hands. My mother, grandmother, aunts, and uncles held out hope and prayed for me. Their prayers were answered, and I got stronger and was eventually able to go home. Twenty-something years later, I'm 6 foot 2, and over 200 pounds, and as strong as an ox.  
Growing up, I was a very clumsy kid. My folks thought about getting me a safety helmet; in hindsight, they probably should've, especially considering the number of times I've hit my head. Once when I was about 5 or 6, I fell backward from a sliding board onto my head. I've also fallen and hit my head on the edge of a coffee table, twice, doing the same thing— trying to balance on a football... yeah. I once tripped at a park and fell and broke my arm, fortunately, there was an off duty fire truck at the park and took me to the hospital. Once I got my cast, a few days later, we went to the pool. Everyone was having fun, and all of the kids were in the pool except for me. The neighborhood kids and my friends were splashing around and having fun. I was having fun, too, just not as much as everyone else. I really wanted to swim, so I did. I swam out to the middle of the pool to one of my friends, and everything was fine... until I sank faster than a rock. All I remember was smiling at my friend, the bottom of the pool, then nothing. One of my older friends jumped in after me and resuscitated me. Drowning would just be another near-death experience of many that I would go through.
When my sister was born in 2001, we moved from Cali. back home to Jackson, Mississippi. The change was big. The change from a multi-cultured environment into a divided one was big. I didn't fully understand the difference until we moved back to Stockton, Ca. in 2012. While back home as I grew up I experienced a slew of medical problems. My first big medical incident was a severe asthma attack in my grandmother's front yard. I remember I was playing and then all out of nowhere, breathing became more and more difficult. I can still smell the scent of fresh-cut grass. I woke up in the hospital, and from that day on the story would more or less be the same. It seemed as near the end of every school year there would be some major medical problem would manifest and would send me to the hospital.


Like I said the odds were stacked against me since I was born.


I moved back to California in 2012. I graduated from Lincoln High Scool, went to San Joaquin Delta College then transferred to the University of the Pacific.  Going to Delta College, was like a second chance to do high school again because I missed a lot of school because of my awful health. I graduated Delta with my AA degree and a Humanities Degree. I've been through a lot. During my time at Delta College, I also learned a lot about my mental health. It has been a battle but for the most part I try not to focus on it and definitely not let it hold me back. A few of my dearest friends know and now you sorta do too. 


There is still a lot to tell but and I've already told you a lot, more than I planned. So I guess what I'm saying is if you want to know even more about me, and what else I'm doing, you'll just have to surf my site. 




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